Leistungen und Versicherungsschutz

Leistungen und Versicherungsschutz

Medical Coverage

Globetrotters Insurance provides up to $1,000,000 in medical coverage for medical expenses including, but not limited to, necessary medical or surgical treatment, services and supplies, hospital services, local ambulance, X-rays, laboratory fees, and visits to a Physician’s office, as a result of each covered injury or sickness which first manifests itself during the period of insurance. There is a US $100 deductible per claim.

24/7 Assistance

With every policy you have around-the-clock medical assistance, ensuring that wherever you are in the world, help is just a call away. A network of on-call doctors is ready to provide remote triage and expert medical assistance instantly. This swift response is crucial, particularly in areas where medical facilities might not meet the required standards or where specialist advice is needed promptly.

Medical Evacuation

If a covered injury or sickness occurs during the period of insurance and requires your immediate medical evacuation, upon the recommendation of the attending physician, authorization of the medical advisor and your concurrence, the company may medically evacuate you to a more suitable medical facility, or evacuate you to a medical facility near your home in your home country.


provides up to $1,000,000 for each covered personal injury and sickness that occurs while you are traveling overseas. Medical evacuation, if warranted, to a more suitable hospital or your home is included, as are the costs of hospitalization, visits to doctors’ offices, prescriptions, lab fees, x-rays, local ambulance, and emergency dentistry arising from an accident. In the very unlikely event of accidental death, the return of your remains to your home is covered.

Professionally trained and fluent in English and the language of the country you are visiting, to help you quickly find the medical care you need. These professionals can help you revise travel plans and facilitate emergency communications with your personal Physician and family at home. They’ll ensure that you receive knowledgeable legal assistance if needed. It’s as if you had a good friend wherever you are—no further away than a toll free phone call.

This insurance begins on the later of: (a) your departure from your Home Country; (b) at 12:01 a.m. local time on the effective date requested on the application; or (c) when your application and premium are received and approved by the Administrator. The insurance terminates on the earlier of: (a) at 11:59 p.m. local time on the expiration date of your policy; or (b) when you cease to be eligible as defined under Insured Person; or (c) immediately upon return to your Home Country. However, if you have been insured under this policy for at least six months and then return to your Home Country permanently, the insurance will continue for 30 days or until the policy’s expiration date (whichever first occurs) to provide Home Country Coverage for an unexpected injury or illness which may occur after you return home. The purpose of this benefit is to provide time to purchase domestic health insurance.


The Company will pay up to the benefit limit for the reasonable and customary medical expenses including, but not limited to, necessary medical or surgical treatment, services and supplies, hospital services, local ambulance, x-rays, laboratory fees, and visits to a Physician’s office, as a direct result of each Covered Injury or Sickness which firsts manifests itself during the Period of Insurance. There is a US $100 deductible per claim that applies to this benefit. Limitation: Coverage for non-hospitalization expenses (where you are not a registered inpatient in the hospital) incurred in the USA, Canada, Bermuda and the Caribbean Islands is limited to 80% of the reasonable and customary charges after the US$100 deductible.

If a Covered Injury or Sickness occurs during the Period of Insurance and requires your immediate medical evacuation, upon the recommendation of the attending Physician, authorization of the Medical Advisor and your concurrence, the Company may: a) medically evacuate you to a more suitable medical facility; or b) evacuate you to a medical facility near your home in your Home Country. After evacuation to your Home Country additional medical expenses will be limited to the benefits available under the Home Country Coverage. The reasonable transportation expenses of one other adult Insured Person accompanying you for the purpose of providing assistance, will be covered by this policy.

If a Covered Injury or Sickness results in the loss of your life during the Period of Insurance, the Company will pay the expense for the preparation and transportation of your body to your home.

If you incur dental expenses as a direct result of a Covered Injury, the Company will pay up to US$500 per natural tooth (subject to a US $5,000 maximum).

Unsere Versicherung

Unser flexibler Versicherungsschutz ist ideal für alle, die einen Kurztrip, eine Langzeitreise oder einen Familienurlaub im Ausland planen. Ganz gleich, ob Sie durch abgelegene Landschaften wandern, sich durch die belebten Straßen einer fremden Stadt bewegen oder an einem tropischen Strand entspannen, Sie können sich darauf verlassen, dass Sie für die Dauer Ihrer Reise versichert sind. Unser umfassender Versicherungsschutz ermöglicht es Ihnen, sich auf Ihre Erinnerungen zu konzentrieren, während wir uns um den Rest kümmern.

Unser Assistenz-Team

Unsere Fachleute sind umfassend geschult und sprechen sowohl Englisch als auch die Sprache des Landes, das Sie besuchen, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie auf Ihrer Reise schnell die erforderliche medizinische Versorgung erhalten. Sie können bei der Anpassung von Reiseplänen helfen und die Notfallkommunikation mit Ihrem Arzt und Ihrer Familie koordinieren. Sie sind auch in der Lage, bei Bedarf sachkundige rechtliche Unterstützung zu leisten. Es ist, als hätten Sie einen vertrauenswürdigen Freund an Ihrer Seite, der nur einen gebührenfreien Anruf entfernt ist, ganz gleich, wo Sie sind.